Why the GOP is So Silent

Trump's endless, attention seeking tweets, rude campaign speeches, attack on a war hero excites both Republicans and Democrats and are all red herrings designed to suck the oxygen out of the media cycles. 
Trump show
Carnival barking red herring tactics and GOP silence

Trump is the carnival barker that lures the media into the discussion,  stunning political pundits that feed the flames. Nothing is out of bounds for Trump the more shocking the more media.  Mitch McConnell and the GOP are grateful for this distraction, willing to risk the chance of a Trump ousting to sneak through the ultra conservative, ultra "Christian", rich, white agenda. GOP complacency and lack of outrage over Trumps behavior and rogue policies are a part of their strategy. It’s a win-win for both. Narcissistic Trump adores the reality TV show attention and the GOP appreciates the public and media distraction enabling them to push their conservative policies quietly through congress. 

GOP Won't Speak Truth to Power
In almost every media discussion related to one of Trump's red herrings, it leaves the media or others scratching their head trying to understand why the republican members of congress are not speaking out, why congress stays silent, why aren’t they standing up? The answer is the GOP sees this moment as their stars-aligned-opportunity to reap the benefits of their long term work on extreme gerrymandering and their control over both Legislative and Executive branches to push their conservative agenda, regardless of their party's future. They believe that they are choosing country over party, that their policies are the right thing for this country.

GOP Sacrifices Democracy for Partisan Interests 
The GOP has lost view of the country and the world. Their selfish myopic greed  "anti policies" of anti-legislation, anti-abortion, anti-immigration and anti-civil rights has essentially enabled a Russian compromised president and cyber war to attack our democracy. Their greed has enabled the actions attacks by the on our justice system. The GOP is Trump, they own the death of American democracy. Our country will never be the same. 

The Media Part
Many blame the media  for supporting the red herring content because it sells. The truth is some of Trumps campaigns at first glance do look credible and when he is especially heinous its difficult not to speak out about his comments and actions as nothing he does is presidential. But it will take a disciplined approach to not focus on all of Trumps bad childish behavior and dig into what matters and keep that out in front. 

Below is a brief, certainly not comprehensive, list of the legislation the GOP has silently sneaked by us while the swirling red herring sideshow was at full steam.
